African Sports Centre Partners with Observatory for Sport in Scotland

African Sports Centre for Data, Research and Technology Partners with Observatory for Sport in Scotland
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African Sports Centre Partners with Observatory for Sport in Scotland

  • Posted by: ASC
African Sports Centre for Data, Research and Technology (AS) partners Observatory for Sport in Scotland (OSS)

The African Sports Centre (ASC), continental leader in sports data, research and technology, announces a partnership with the Observatory for Sport in Scotland (OSS).

The agreement will see the ASC and the OSS share research knowledge and explore potential joint-research around community sport and development.

This is not only in line with our mission of championing the use of scientific and technical methodologies and innovations for the development of sports, largely by data, research and technology, but also contributes to our target of boosting four of the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): (3) Good Health and Well-being, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, and (17) Partnerships for the Goals.

“We’re excited to be teaming up with the Observatory for Sport in Scotland as this facilitates our aim of taking a greater interest in community sport as an area,” ASC Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Prince Narkortu Teye said of the agreement.

“Our focus over the last few years has been largely on elite sport and performance, but there are equally other important areas that need attention. A powerful tool for development, sports has the ability to boost health, well-being, inclusivity and connectivity at both the community, national and continental levels in addressing issues such as crime, anti-social behaviour, community cohesion and social mobility. 

“For the many challenges we have here in Africa, it’s important we take a particular interest in this area of sports as research and data will help our knowledge and understanding of our situation to make informed developmental decisions and shape national and continental policies in that regard. 

“There’s obviously power in collaboration and we are happy to share and exchange knowledge with the OSS, and as well consider potential joint-research projects in the areas. In this, we will not only benefit from the resources available at the OSS but also connect into their list of like-minded partner organisations around the world.”

With a wide network of partners and academic researchers from across Scotland, Europe and around the world, the OSS, who have also sealed a collaboration agreement with the Australian Sports Foundation, support those delivering community sport, recreation and activity with independent research, knowledge sharing, policy and practice guidance, and international benchmarking that brings confidence to the business of widening sport participation to all ages and abilities.

“We are delighted to form partnerships with the African Sports Centre and the Australian Sports Foundation, as we grow the reach of the OSS and our ability to bring learning from around the world to Scotland,” OSS Chief Executive David Ferguson said.

“These organisations share our values of using research, analysis and evidence to support the growth of participation in all forms of sport, and what we’re finding as we connect with more and more organisations globally is that the challenges we are facing in Scotland are very, very similar to those elsewhere. Therefore, there is significant collective intelligence around how we tackle challenges such as inactivity, obesity, mental health, poverty and ageing, and where community sport activity can play a part in helping those and improving quality of life.

“What I have found fascinating is how governments and sport organisations in different countries work together to tackle these issues, and how new collaboration across health, education and business is providing brighter futures, particularly now in the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. These is much we can learn but also much we can contribute to the learning in other countries.”

Author: ASC

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